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What is your estimated time of arrival?

When do you expect to arrive?

What is your expectation of the arrival?

When will you know that you have arrived?

For just as you knew you would be there for the departure, you know you will be there for the arrival.

Is not my timing so perfect?

Have you not seen, have you not heard, have you not been paying attention!?

For I am the one who works.

I am the chief worker.

I am chief amongst the workers.

I am working together.

I am working all things together for good.

You wonder how it will all come together.

I wonder as it comes together.

For I know it will be wonderful.

Even the process is wonderful, full of such wonder.

Let’s look at some examples….

You prayed for the girl of your dreams to arrive, there she appeared upon the unknown shore. For you were left without question, beyond question, yet with so many questions.

You didn’t even know what to ask me for, you did not know even where to start in your description of her. Yet you remember the moment so vividly, in an instant, in a moment she appeared and you knew this was the answer to your question.

Is this not a wonderful mystery!

Beyond description, you could not even describe or begin to write your manifesto, before I brought it to life before your eyes.

Beautiful beyond words, an expression of my love for you, with my joy wrapped in my delight.

You are without question in agreement that she is your hearts desire, yet the mystery fascinates you beyond words, now with so many questions, so much to explore, nothing is ever the same with her, so unpredictable, so beyond all explanation, even now you can’t describe her without my help!

And then you prayed for a “top shelf” girl for your beloved son…

As it was before so it is again now, you ask and I answer and then you know it was from me!

For you have always been his guardian, standing at the door refusing entry to anyone that was unsuitable. Yet from the moment you first saw her, you knew she was the one. It was in response to your words, that I answered.

I know this is so emotional for you, for you expressed your desire to the person you miss the most, and he too prayed for a coming together. It was his great delight to see a picture of her before his departure.

So here you are, without question.

In a state of awe and wonder. For you have certainty. For you know what it is to receive that which your heart desires.

So is there anything you want to ask me for?

My heart is overwhelmed Lord. For I am not who I once was. It seems I have been crawling around trying to find the answer, when all you are looking for is the question! Help me with the question Lord!

For you will know what to ask for.

For the one in authority always knows what to say.

Receive the mantle of royalty.

By royal decree, whatever you decree shall be done for you.

“Let me know the time of your arrival, so I can make the appropriate preparations” they will ask you.

The invited guest, the guest of honour, the keynote speaker.

Is anything to hard for me?

I don’t need a description of that which you are asking for, just an expression of your desire.

Did you not ask them all to express themselves?

Is not your favourite photo, the one of you and your beloved father trying to express himself! Even the attempted expression brings such joy and delight to your face.

For I love your expressions.

The one symbol next to another, the one bracketing the other, the one multiplying the other. For one it looks like hieroglyphics, to another it makes perfect sense.

There you are lying awake, pondering the departure of another, and remembering how she would always know what you were thinking before you could express it. Even now she knows even more than you do what is going on in your head.

You always loved that about her, she was better at expressing how you felt before you could even make an attempt.

Yet I too know, you know that I know what you are thinking, don’t you!

For you are just holding your breath, trying to endure when all you want to do is break free.

Yet you are so much stronger than you know, so much stronger, strength multiplied, strength amplified, ground breaking strength.

For you want to take the strain, but I want you to break free.

For now is the time of your arrival. Now is the time of the breaking out, the time of the times, the time of multiplication, the time of expression.

To the power of N.

Now is the time for singing…

Now is the time of release.

Now is the time I will release my power like never before.

Now is the time I will express myself.

For you are my hearts desire.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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